Iris Flower Essence

Iris Flower Essence


Made in co-creation with Iris germanica during Taurus Season

Iris is a flower thought to be connected to the Greek Goddess Iris, the feminine equivalent to Hermes who ruled over the rainbow and was a psychopomp for females. However, another intriguing piece of Iris lore is the to the Slavic thunder God Perun. Fascinating, as we see two different cultures connect the Iris to rainbows, storms, and thunder, but once one works with the energy of Iris, it’s not too hard to see why.

Iris is a plant that helps one to burst out of creative blocks. I find it helps one to lift and purify excess weighted energy on the neck and shoulders, it opens the creative and mental channels for more depth and divinely inspired art, and seeing life as art. Iris is also a fierce guardian of one stepping into their power from a space of divine protection and empowerment.

Iris combines well with Icelandic Poppy for enhancing sacral chakra energy, as well as Red Columbine for individuality.

The RITUAL>> Take 4 drops in water or directly on the tongue up to 4 times a day. Is also great with a few drops in a bath or on the acu-points of the body including the wrists, temples, heart, third eye, etc.

Ritually made in small batches on unceded Lenape land. Flowers intentionally prayed over, infused with reiki, and made in co-creation with offerings and long term relationships to local land spirits and individual plants.
Please note: None of the statements in this listing have been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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